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It’s Almost Christmas!

by Gail Rodgers

In this final week of Advent, as we lead up to Christmas Day, how is your heart doing? Are you feeling at peace … or is pressure mounting in your home?

Take a moment to ponder the peace that the angels announced that first Christmas. “Peace on Earth, good will toward men”.

This morning I read a verse in Ephesians 2:14 that says “He Himself is our peace”.

That first Christmas God sent His Son, Jesus, in human baby form, to reach out in love to connect humans to Himself … and we celebrate His birth. The journey comes full circle when we come to Easter and observe the death of Jesus as He took the punishment upon Himself for mankind’s willful independence apart from God. We celebrate His resurrection as He rose again from that death and took His place with the Father … leaving those who believe in His birth and death and resurrection with the amazing gift of the Holy Spirit as the Divine comfort and power within to live as a testimony to His love and power.

He Himself is our peace”. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you afresh today with the Peace that is His presence in our lives filling us with purpose, peace and a passion for life!

Is His peace the piece you are missing this Christmas?

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