Peter Chung is the Executive Chairman of The Eminata Group which is one of the largest private providers of post-secondary education in Canada. The corporation, based in Vancouver, British Columbia, owns and manages a number of for-profit colleges and universities in Canada.
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If a relationship with God is something you crave, it can start here and now. God cares far less about your words than the attitude of your heart. So tell Him what you're thinking. Here is suggestion:
God, I believe that you created me to know you. Thank you for sending your son Jesus, as a sacrifice to pay the penalty that I deserve. I beleive that his death and resurrection has restored me to you. Please forgive me for everything that has offended you. Take first place in my life and help me become the person that you created me to be.
If you prayed this prayer, we would love to hear from you. If you want to learn more about the Christian life, we can connect you with a mentor (by email) and send you some helpful reading materials.