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Katy Kauffman

Katy Kauffman is a co-founder of Lighthouse Bible Studies. She is also an editor for Refresh Bible Study Magazine and its designer. She graduated from Luther Rice Seminary with a BA in Religion (2004). Her heart’s desire is for people to know and love God, understand the richness of His Word, and fulfill His plan for their lives. She makes her home in a cozy suburb of Atlanta, Georgia, and attends a church close by.

Her ministry experience includes:

  • teaching the Bible to women, college-aged women, and youth girls
  • seven international mission trips to Brazil and Ukraine, and one World Changers project in the U.S.
  • evangelism training (Evangelism Explosion) and church visitation
  • working in vacation Bible schools locally and overseas
  • teaching ESL (English as a Second Language) to adults at 2 churches for 7 years

Katy has seen in her ministry experiences at home and abroad that every person has the same need for God and His Word, and the same desire to be loved. She teaches and writes to enrich women’s understanding of Scripture and to inspire them to experience the life God has for them. She wants to help women:

  • to know God on a personal level and love Him more each day
  • to flourish in God’s love, walk in His joy, and rest in His peace
  • to overcome the obstacles of the Christian life and live victoriously
  • to be strong warriors, enduring runners, and faithful servants of God (2 Timothy 4:7)

Katy enjoys scrapbooking, making jewelry, and spending time with family and friends.

Favorite Bible Verses

Psalm 107:9 “For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness.” (NKJV)

Deuteronomy 33:26 “There is none like the God of Jerusalem, he descends from the heavens in majestic splendor to help you.”
(A favorite from childhood from The Children’s Living Bible)

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