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Bible Studies and more

Links for New Believers

Bible Studies

  1. Colossians Bible Study by Norma Becker(15 parts)
  2. James Bible Study  by Norma Becker(15 parts)
  3. A Bible Study on Thanksgiving
  4. God’s Plan – A Study on God’s Destiny for Me?
  5. We Plan, God Directs
  6. The Names of Jesus – A study
  7. Study on Psalm 27 by Judy Douglass
  8. A Bible Study on How God Demonstrates His Love
  9. A Bible Study on Waiting on God
  10. The Names of God – A Bible study
  11. A Study on the Heart of God by Sylvia Gunter (Alphabet)
  12. The God of Justice by Skip Moen
    You stand before the judge, ashamed and humiliated. Justice and Courtrooms and God
  13. Your Father’s Heart Longs for You by Sylvia Gunter
  14. Why Know the Father’s Heart by Sylvia Gunter
  15. How to Spend a Day With the Lord
  16. Hearing God’s Voice – a Study by Charles Stanley

Studies to Grow in Your Faith

  1. Four Spiritual Laws
  2. Spiritual Oxygen: Are You Getting Enough?
  3. How to be Filled with the Holy Spirit
  4. How you can Walk in the Spirit – printable lesson (pdf file)
  5. How to Experience God’s Love and Forgiveness (3 parts)
  6. How to Fall in Love with Jesus by Sylvia Gunter
  7. The Christian and the Bible – Do you ever doubt the validity of the Bible?
  8. Can We Believe the Bible? By Max Lucado
  9. Learning to Listen – by Max Lucado
  10. How You can Pray With Confidence:

Studies by William S. Stoddard:

  1. Thanksgiving for What God Has Done
  2. Sometimes the Lord Sends an Adversary
  3. Angels? Really Now
  4. The Way to Know God
  5. The Everlasting God
  6. The Power of Resurrection
  7. The Word of God and the Power of God
  8. The Race Before Us

About Tithing

The Generosity Habit
Try Tithing
Joyful Generosity
Why Does God Allow Acts of Terror
A Blessing So Great
Be Still, My Daughter – Lessons from Ruth 3:18
You Cannot Out-give God

Would You Short Change God?
Fast Of Words: A Different Kind of Fast