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The Everlasting God

Bible Study:

The Everlasting God

“ . . . From everlasting to everlasting, thou are God.”  Psalm 90:2

Read Psalm 90, 102:24-28; John 17:3; Hebrews 13:8

What is God Saying?

God the Creator . . . man, the created.  God is eternal.  Man has a limited number of days.  With God a thousand years are but a yesterday when it is pst, a watch in the night.  With man, his years are soon gone and we fly away.  It would seem that man flourishes in the morning and by evening fades and withers,  God has a better idea.  Our ife does not need to end with a sigh and return to the dust from which it came.  Jesus, God’s loving and inexpressible Gift, came that we might have life and have it more abundantly.  John emphasizes that “God gave us eternal life, and this lfie is in this Son” (1 John 5:11).  And there are the matchless words of our Redeemer which move us beyond the concept of life that ends with a sign and changes like grass into a state of nothingness: I am the resurrection and the life; he who believe in me, THOUGH HE DIE, yet shall he live, and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die”  John 11:25-26.

How does this apply to us?

This passage which stresses the everlastingness of God and the transience of man also emphasized the importance of our remaining days in this life.  Yes, having embraced Jesus Christ in faith as He is freely offered to us in the Gospel, having all eternity to spend with Him, nevertheless, we must make our remaining days count for Him in this life.  We cannot count the day that remain, but we can make the days that remain count.

Will you make your remaining days count for the everlasting God?

by William S. Stoddard
used with permission

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Used with permission.
From the Book:
First Light: Morning Conversations with God.

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