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Marriage Articles

Marriage  Articles


My Husband No Longer Loves Me and is Going to Leave

What Pornography Brings to a Relationship

Two Keys to a Happy Marriage

In-Laws – Stress or Blessing?

When Your Husband Has an Affair

Starting Over

Setting a Proper Foundation for Marriage, Family and Life by Ed Becker

Hope for Those without Hope

The Trust Factor

My Husband isn’t Meeting my Needs!

Why is my Marriage in a State of Conflict?

How Can my Spouse and I Get on the Same Page?

Love for a Lifetime

Grace to Keep on Yielding – A story of how a couple chose to compromise and yield their wills during a simple visit to a garden centre.

Elma’s Story – Nothing Left To Give “My husband didn’t know how to acknowledge my feelings and show me the support I needed.”

God Renewed My Marriage

What’s Love Got To Do With It? by Norm Miller

Marriage Tips by Mike Woodard

Creating Affection, Warmth and Encouragement

Attitude Adjustment – Marriage Tip by Mike Woodard

Be Unpredictable – Marriage Tip by Mike Woodard

I Love You. It’s a Gift! – Marriage Tip by Mike Woodard

Are you Humble? What is Humility?

Are YOU having an Affair?

When Life Careens   What happens when you find out you have a  ‘Love Child’ from a previous relationship?

Praying for your Husband

Praying for your Wife

Building Your Husband’s Self-Esteem

Faithful to Yur Man

Adhesive Qualities in a Marriage – Glue only comes in one flavor

19 Ways to Encourage Others

Our Anniversary – A Terrible, Horrible, Very Bad Day

Morning Grumpiness Problem


Love Poem – Our Love Has Stood The Test Of Time

Life Can Bring Joy out of Sorrow by Norma Becker

I Corinthians 13 ~ The Way of Love