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19 Ways to Encourage Others

Four Ways to Pray for Friends and Family

I Like to be Encouraged

Lessons from Odd Places: Words that Saved my Life

10 Things to Pray for Friends and Family

Come Alongside – by John Fischer

Extending Grace to Others

Be Patient

More Than Helpful

Beware! We Have Many Observers

Harsh Judgments Can Kill One’s Spirit

Desolate or Fruitful?  How are you with others?

Story of a Teen Suicide Attempt

Help for Parents – to Prevent Teen Suicide

Dealing with Despair  by Mike Woodard

Random Acts of Kindness it is amazing how random acts of kindness affect those around you.

Whatever You Do...

Encouraging Word

Forgiveness is Good for Your Health

Love Your Neighbour

Love is Patient and Kind – a story of a man on a bus

Who Will You Fight For?

Heaven on My Mind