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Going Deeper with God

NEW:  Ask God First by Karen Huffaker

Articles by Christian Psychologist and Counselor Dr. Henry Brandt

Who is My Behaviour Affecting?

What is Your Measuring Stick?

The Power of Forgiveness

Dealing with Inner Turmoil

Why is What I say So Important?

Looking at Sin

How Can I Forgive Like God?

Pressing Your Reset Button

He is Out to Destroy You!

Aphids and Sin

It’s not Fair!– Do we pout?

When Life isn’t Fair

Dirty Oven


Guilt – How to Handle it – by Muriel Larson

Get Rid of Guilt

Guiltless is God’s Eyes


Not Guilty! by Mary Pinckney

Lessons from Two Balloons

A Little Self-Control Goes A Long Way

The Re-Knitting Hand of God – What God taught me about ‘little sins’

The Package! Dealing with Unexpected Circumstances

Four Grizzly Bears – What are the Grizzly Bears (fears) in your life?

Keeping Yourself in God’s Love – even during painful times in your life

He Put a Song in My Heart

Stepping Into a Personal Revival

Beginnings and Endings by Gwen Klontz

Go Gently Into the New Year by Gwen Klontz

We Plan – God Directs

Why I need to Press the ‘Reset Button’ – confessing sin is like a reset button in our relationship with God

Cling to the Lord

Get Wise

Life’s Lessons can Come from Unexpected Places

What are Your Ethical Standards?

What is Your Standard for Living?

Why I Have Adopted The Generosity Habit

Feelings, Forgiveness and Peace

Overflowing with Life!

Dirty Oven – Sin in our life is like a dirty oven

What Do You Want Jesus to Say When you Meet Him Face to Face?

The Old Apple Tree – lesson from a tree on bearing fruit as a Christian

Aphids and Sin – an interesting comparison

We Went on a Journey – a cute story about expanding our territories


Spiritual Oxygen: Are You Getting Enough?

How to be Filled with the Holy Spirit

How you can Walk in the Spirit – printable lesson (pdf file)

Clean House – Jesus is our big vacuum cleaner. He has taken all our grit away. He has cleaned house.

Midlife Crisis

Camouflage – the majesty of aging

Building Your Self Esteem

The Importance of Knowing God

Worship – an example of how our family worships Christ at Christmas time

Thoughts on Worship

To Whom Are You Listening?

Fully Committed to God

Pressing On! – a lesson on focusing our eyes and goals on Christ

Count your Blessings

Always be Joyful

Don’t Complain

Just a Carton of Cream –  a lesson in honesty

The Bride of Christ

I felt a dark presence crawl into bed with me…. Attacks of the Enemy? Are you prepared for this?

Broken but Made Beautiful

Happy? If we don’t take time to allow God to minister to us, our Christianity becomes legalistic or shallow.

Please Go Away

Something Beautiful of my Life

Blue Jays and the importance of inner beauty

We Went on a Journey – a cute story about expanding our territories

Why are the words that I use so important?


Practicing the presence of God

When God Interrupts

Sacred Romance

Holy Cravings

Freedom of Forgiveness

Living Waters

In God’s LOVE

Keep Yourselves in God’s Love

How to Experience God’s Love

Discouragement and Hope

Brevity of Life

Hope for those without Hope by Mike Woodard

Dealing with Despair…! Dark Moments of the Soul…

Fear, Faith and Migraines – Renewing your mind can help renew your body

I Like to be Encouraged


Contentment – lesson from a broken ankle

Guilt – How to Handle it – by Dr. Muriel Larson