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Words – The Amazing Words of Christ

“These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation” (Revelation 3:14).

Recently, during my quiet time with God, I began using a series of books entitled, The Indescribable Christ by Charles Rolls. Today my thoughts were directed to the amazing words of Christ. Think about it. His words do not become less powerful or less true with the passing of time. Through the centuries His words have never changed or fluctuated. They have always been.

When on earth, Christ never downplayed what He meant to say in order to gain popularity. He never minimized or falsified reality. He never had to fumble for a word or guess when giving an answer.

Nothing He said ever had to be retracted. He didn’t ever apologize for anything He said. He spoke what was right and true.

When He condemned, His words were wisely chosen. When He affirmed someone, it was done in truth, never to flatter. All His words were faithful and true.

Amazing! Oh, that we would be more like Him.

Father, please change us! Make our words be more like the Master. Let the Words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable to You, oh Lord. Amen.

by Katherine Kehler

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