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Katherine Kehler Collection

Katherine Kehler
Katherine Kehler
is an author, devotional writer and leader.  She has written hundreds of inspirational devotionals and articles which have impacted people worldwide.  Read more about Katherine

Katherine has addressed many topics in her writings and we will attempt to sort them into logical themes for you in this index.


My God is…

He Guides Us
God Provides for His Own
God, Our Shield
God is My Delight
God is Faithful
Who is God to You?
Gentle and Humble
Beauty – Take time to notice the beauty God gave us
God Knows Everything
He Lets Me Rest
Wisdom and Knowledge of God
Attributes of God
He Programs the Seashells
Words – The Amazing Words of Christ
God is Thinking about You
Truth – God’s truth remains the same from age to age,
God Demonstrates His Love like this…
God is Bigger than All My Problems
God Provides Companionship
How Does God Do It?
Living Waters
God’s Mysterious Ways
The Lord is My Shepherd
Jesus is Always There!
How Big is God?
God is GOOD
The Lord Never Changes

Thoughts on Making a Difference

Thoughts on Salt – HOW ARE WE, as His followers salting the world around us?

Sitting on the Fence
Are You Still a Fighter?
Caring Enough to Tell People About Christ
Do What You Can!
Unity What would it take to cause Christians to “make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace?”
Your Life is the Only Bible Some People Read
The Gentle Christian
For Sale – a God given opportunity during the ‘showing’ of the home we were selling
Serving the Lord Wholeheartedly
Are you Ready?
Conversation Starters – Ideas to transition conversations to Spiritual things
Don’t Limit God
A Cup of Water
Healing Oil
Paradise Road – A Story of Shining your Light

Thoughts on Knowing God Better

Get Wise!
Sacred Romance
Holy Cravings

He Put a Song in My Heart
Lies We Believe

When God Interrupts
The Christian and the Bible – do you believe it is the infallible truth?
Keep Yourselves in God’s Love
Hiding Place

Heart Fully Committed to Him
Cling to the Lord
Blue Jays – A simple lesson on inner beauty

We Plan, God Directs
Pressing On
The Names of God – my own study

The Bride of Christ
The Names of Jesus
Who Will Fight for You?

We Went on a Journey – a cute story about expanding our territories
Please Go Away
Wait for the Lord

I am Thankful for…
What the Lord Values.
Open My Eyes
Never too Old
Importance of Knowing God
Have you Checked Your Compass Lately?

My Thoughts on Prayer

Praying with Confidence
How to be Sure God Listens to Your Prayers
Do You Pray Every Day?
Grandparents Army
How to Spend a Day with the Lord
Concerts of Prayer Outline (Prayer Meeting)
You Asked God for What?
What is the Father Saying to You?
Asking Specifically
Practicing the Presence of God
To Whom are You Listening?
Hailing the Chief
Why Should We Pray?
Prayer Journey – Have you ever taken the time to evaluate your journey with God?
God Listens to Us
(God is) Stronger than a Crocodile
Talking to God
A Sample Morning Prayer
How did Jesus Pray?
Some Thoughts on Worship
A Call to Prayer – to seniors and housebound individuals
Pass It On!  The start of a ‘cross country’ prayer chain
Intercessory Prayer Story
Eagerly Watch
Pray, Then Decide

God in My Relationships

Grace to Keep on Yielding
Forgiveness is Good for Your Health
What Do You Want Jesus to Say?
Love Your Neighbour
What Happened to the Golden Rule?
More Than Helpful
Who Will You Fight For?
Be Patient
The Trust Factor
Overflowing with Life!

Harsh Judgments Can Kill One’s Spirit

Love is Patient and Kind – a story of a man on a bus
Have You Forgiven Yourself
Our Anniversary – A Terrible, Horrible, Very Bad Day
Morning Grumpiness – How I stopped blaming my heritage
Don’t Complain
Freedom of Forgiveness
Building Your Self Esteem
Desolate or Fruitful?  How are you with others?
Olga – From Communist to Revolutionary for Christ
Extending Grace to Others
Divine Appointments
My Lunch with Dad
Random Acts of Kindness it is amazing how random acts of kindness affect those around you.
Whatever You Do...
I Like to be Encouraged
Encouraging Word
Get Rid of Guilt
A Thought about Gratitude
Count Your Blessings
Don’t Turn Back 
Jesus is Always There

God in My Marriage

My Husband isn’t Meeting my Needs!
Building Your Husbands Self-Esteem
Faithful to Your Man

God in My Home-life

Raising Children (Teens)
Teach Children
Just a Carton of Cream – a lesson in honesty
My Daddy is a Man – Lessons from a 3 year old on what it means to really love our heavenly father.
Rewards of Having Children
Your Son Has Been Shot!
Celebrate Family.  Celebrate Mothers
Surprised by Tears
Mother Child Bond
Your Mother is Lost!
Always be Joyful!
Contentment and a Broken Ankle

God WILL Take Care of You!!  A hospital experience
The Brevity of Life
Dirty Oven – Sin in our life is like a dirty oven

I Want to Know Him
The Only Totally Fair Judge!
When Life Isn’t Fair
It’s Not Fair!
We are Christ’s Ambassadors
A Trampled Rose – An Easter Reflection

God During Hard Times

Heaven: How to Be Confident You Will Go to Heaven When You Die
Heaven on My Mind
Home Coming! – What will the home coming be like in heaven?

Suffering – Spiritual principles to meditate on during hard times
What a Friend We Have in Jesus
Lost Relationships & Learning about the fellowship of Jesus’ suffering

When Someone Disappoints Us
Fear or Love?
Squeaky Clean
The Power of the Tongue
He is Out to Destroy You
Camouflage – the majesty of aging|
Peace or Panic?
The Gentle Christian  How do I embrace a gentle spirit when I have been hurt and/or deceived?
Beauty out of Brokenness
When Confusion Prevails
Cure for Cynicism
Why Me Lord? Why Not? A new perspective on being shunned or mistreated
How Big is God?
What is Your Standard for Living?
What Are Your Ethical Standards?
What is Wrong with Society Today?

God in My Working Environment

Beware! We Have Many Observers
Let Your Light Shine
The Old Apple Tree – lesson from a tree on bearing fruit as a Christian
Building an Effective Team
9 Principles for Effective Leadership
Leadership Tips

Thoughts on Sin

Prickly Cactus
Aphids and Sin – an interesting comparison

God and Angels

God’s Angels Will Guard Us
I felt a dark presence crawl into bed with me….Attacks of the Enemy
Frank had a Vision of a Huge Angel
Angels Knock on Our Door
Miracles – Story of the numerous encounters with Angels the Doreen had.
My Back was Healed


Worship the King – One way to celebrate Christ’s birth as a family
Dat Baby Jesus – He makes me laugh

 Goals, Resolutions, Dreams, etc

Year End Reflections
My Dreams Were too Small
Measurable Goals
If He Closes One Door, He Opens Another!
Accomplishing your Dream
Dreams – Another Perspective
Try Tithing
Do It For Jesus!  a different perspective on raising funds for Jesus