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Are YOU Ready?

“Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season” 2 Timothy 4:2

Marvin and I were going to a wedding reception and my nails looked terrible. I rarely take the time (or want to spend the money) on a manicure, but decided to go for it this time. I knew if I did it myself, my nails wouldn’t look the way I wanted them to.

When I was settled in the chair, Debbie, the manicurist began gently sloughing the dead skin from my hands. It was very relaxing and we began to talk. Our conversation went from nails to religion.

Her daughter was a new Christian and Debbie had been to her daughter’s baptismal service. Debbie was not a Christian and you can imagine how horribly embarrassed she was when, during the baptism, before the whole congregation, her daughter prayed that Debbie would be saved.

“Have you ever been religious?” I asked her.

“No,” she said.

“Were your parents religious?” I asked her.

Again she said, “No.”

She told me that she couldn’t believe in a God who allowed children to be sexually molested. I said that there were a lot of questions that I didn’t have satisfactory answers to but I did know that my personal relationship with God, though Jesus Christ, has made a huge difference in the quality of my life. Debbie told me, “That is what my daughter says, too.”

After a while, our conversation drifted to other topics and when she was finished, I left her with a copy of the Would you like to know God Personally? booklet (available online at

As Christians, our responsibility is to be obedient to share our faith when God gives us opportunities. Success in witnessing is simply sharing our faith in the power of the Holy Spirit and leaving the results to God.

Are you ready to share your faith? You may want to print out the article, How to Prepare Your Testimony (see Related Article below) and take the time to write out your testimony so you will ready in season and out of season to preach the Word.

Father, all people are on a spiritual journey. You have made us to be one of the links in the chain of events that can help them come to know You personally. Cause us to be alert to those opportunities and ready to share our faith in You, our most wonderful friend. Amen

by Katherine Kehler
Used by permissions

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