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Grandparents Army

I have a dream.

I have a dream about God reviving and mobilizing grandparents.

I have a dream that God would inflame the hearts of older men and women, to ignite an unquenchable zealousness within their hearts, a fire that could not be put out.

I have a dream where grandparents will band together to form an army (Moses started at 80) to help change the world. They will boldly lead young people to Christ; they will take them to church; teach them Biblical values.

Because of their vast life experience, grandparents will teach the younger generation how to make and manage money, how to set priorities, encourage them to work hard, teach them how to fish, how to cook, how to build fences, clean house and do laundry. They will take them tobogganing and go on mission trips.

In my dream, grandparents will play a vital role in supporting orphanages and being involved with finding homes for orphans.

In my dream, a huge army of grandparents will be praying for the younger generation and mobilizing other grandparents to pray.

In my dream, grandparents will adopt children who don’t have grandparents.

In my dream, lonely latch-key kids will chat online with their adopted grandparents.In my dream, grandparents will encourage and teach the next generation how to be grandparents.

In my dream, God will use grandparents to help turn the younger generation to God – and change our nations.

I have a dream. It’s a dream about grandparents who care enough to rouse themselves and form an army – zealous and determined to reclaim our youth for Christ. I have a dream.

I have a dream of grandchildren sharing stories with each other about how their grandparents and older mentors encouraged them, built into their lives, affirmed them to be and do their best. They would tell their friends about how good they feel about themselves because their grandparents urged them to follow their dreams – told them, “You can do it.”

I have a dream of grandparents who have a purpose for living.

I have a dream.

by Katherine Kehler

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