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Eagerly Watch

Eagerly Watch

In the morning, I lay requests before You and wait in expectation” (Psalm 5:3).

One version of the Bible translates the phrase, “wait in expectation” as “to eagerly watch” or “I watch and wait.” That verse took on a new meaning for me when Tabitha, one of our granddaughters, was at our house for a sleep over. I used to have our grandchildren stay overnight when my husband Marvin was traveling, but this time she insisted that she come when Grandpa was home so he could take her fishing.

Tabitha was so excited that they were going fishing the next day. As I tucked her into bed we talked about her day and discussed what we should pray about. We decided to pray for a sunny day so they wouldn’t have to fish in the rain.

The next morning, as soon as Tabitha awoke, she ran to the front door and opened it wide to see if God had answered our prayer. She was eager and she was expectantly watching. She was waiting to see what God had done.

I asked myself,

“Katherine, when was the last time you were that anxious to see how God was going to answer your prayer?”

Children have great faith. I guess that is why Jesus said:

I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3).

Lord, You expect us to teach our children and grandchildren, and yet often their childlike faith puts us to shame. Enable us to have the faith of little children. Amen.

by Katherine Kehler

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