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Do it for Jesus!

Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of Jesus
Colossians 3:17

My daughter, Val, came by the other day to drop off some wrapping paper I had purchased. It was for a fundraiser for the grandchildren’s school. After we talked for a bit, she was about to leave when she pulled out a piece of paper (with an order form) and said,

Oh, by the way, do you want to buy some cookie dough or some pies?” Another school fundraiser!

For over fifteen years, since the oldest of our nine grandchildren started school, I have purchased things I don’t need because I want to be supportive of them.

When Val left I thought to myself,

“She doesn’t mind raising funds for her children’s school because she is doing it for her children.”

I have raised funds for many years. Because I have directed several ministries for Campus Crusade for Christ, Canada, I was responsible for raising funds for them..

I raise money for Jesus. Oh, He doesn’t need money, but to be able to tell people around the world about Jesus and disciple them through the medium of this website, we need money.

After Val left, I thought to myself,

Why does she feel more comfortable raising money for her kids school than I do raising money for Jesus?


Dear Jesus, I need a tune-up in my attitude. Anoint me with Your grace so that I have the same freedom to raise funds for You as my daughter has for raising funds for her children’s school. Amen.

by Katherine Kehler

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