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Building an Effective Team

Family team:

A few weeks ago, our eleven-year-old grandson visited us for a week. His parents were concerned that although he was very athletic and pulled off top marks in school, he was not motivated about work.

On our five-acre property something always needs to be maintained, so his mother asked us to put him to work. The first day I asked him, “Bronson, your mom wants you to work for a few hours each day. What would you like to do?” His answer was quick, “I don’t like pulling weeds!” My husband overheard us and, recalling what he liked to do when he was eleven, showed Bronson how to do all sorts of interesting chores! Marvin taught him to use the sit-on lawn mower, and he mowed all our lawns twice that week. He learned to use the gas-powered blower and kept our parking lot and barns free from debris. And he learned how to drive the large tractor to move dirt. Bronson was challenged and motivated all week. He enjoyed working, and we even heard him singing while driving the tractor!

Work team:

When Staecy began to work as my administrative assistant, I soon recognized that while she loved her job, was very responsible, and did a thorough job in whatever she tackled, her eyes sparkled when she did research on the Internet. She loved discovering how our website could be more effective. So I assigned her more research and fewer administrative tasks. I love to see her excited about her work.

Ask God to open your eyes to other people’s strengths, and encourage them to work in the areas God has gifted them.

Father, thank You for endowing us with strengths and weaknesses. We ask You to hold us together, to help us appreciate each other, and to work together in love for Your praise and glory. Amen.

by Katherine Kehler

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