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Building Your Self Esteem

“The only accurate way to understand ourselves is by who God is and by what he does for us, not by what we are and what we do for him” (Romans 12:3, The Message).

Recently I was privileged to spend several days with a gorgeous woman. She is about sixty years old, but looks much younger. Slim, firm, beautiful, friendly, and very pleasant. I have to admit I was a bit envious.

But, you know what? I discovered that she, like so many of us, has a problem with low self-esteem. I asked myself, “Why do so many women have low self-esteem?” and“What can we do to correct it?”

We so often compare ourselves to others and wish we had their looks, their abilities, their position — you know what I mean.

When I was with my elegant friend, I was much more aware of my wrinkles, being slightly overweight, and becoming flabby. Instead of being thankful for what God had given me, I felt like an ugly duckling.

The fact is that I was listening to the voice of my sinful nature. We have two natures: the spiritual and the sinful. The voice we hear from the spiritual nature comes from Jesus Christ. The voice we hear from our fleshly nature comes from the enemy (Galatians 5:16,17). The spiritual nature and the sinful nature are always in conflict with each other.

What then, can we do to replace the negative thoughts that come to our mind? We can switchto thoughts of God’s truths about ourselves.

If you are a Christian, these include:

  1. You are a child of the King (John 1:12), not a worthless nobody.
  2. You are complete in Him (Colossians 2:10), not lacking anything.
  3. You are forever free from condemnation (Romans 8:1, 2). You are not guilty.
  4. You are loved forever (Romans 8:35), not unlovable.
  5. You can do all things through Christ (Philippians 4:13). You are not weak.
  6. You have been given a spirit of power (2 Timothy 1:7), not a spirit of fear.

I encourage you to memorize the above Bible verses or write them down on small cards. Have them close by so you can read them when negative thoughts fill your mind. Focus on and believe what God says about you!

Oh Father, help us to refuse to listen to the negative thoughts about ourselves. Bring to mind Your wonderful comforting words of truth. Amen.

by Katherine Kehler
used by permission

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