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Healing Oil

You pour oil on my head.”  (Psalm 23:5)

In Bible times, oil had many uses.  For baking, as a spread on bread, gifts, fuel for lamps, for anointing and it was used for offerings and sacrifices and for healing.   The Bible also teaches that oil is symbolic of the Holy Spirit.

A verse that captured my interest is in the story about the Wise Men presenting   “frankincense and myrrh” (Matthew 2:11) to the Lord Jesus when he was a baby.   Both of these oils are considered healing oils and indeed are great treasure –very expensive.

Recently I have done some reading about the use of oil in the healing process.

The Bible tells us to pray and pour oil on sick people,

“Anyone who is sick should call the church’s elders.  They should pray for and pour oil on the person in the name of the Lord.”   (James 5:14).

I have been at many prayer meetings for the sick where this has been done.

It is written that in ancient times (maybe they still do), shepherds rubbed oil on their sheep to repel insects. (We used to spray our chicken barns with coal oil to prevent mites from infesting the barns) and to heal wounds.

To heal wounds some people rub healing oils on the painful parts of their bodies and have experienced relief.

Food for thought!   God is so immense that we never come close to understanding all His amazing ways and wonders.

“Father, you are full of wonders!   Everyday you show us anew who you are and what you are doing. Cause us to be open to you — to listen to the new things you want to show and teach us.” Amen

by Katherine Kehler

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Further Reading

The Healing | Christian Poem by Katy Kauffman

God’s Wings of Healing by Barbara Alpert

Healing Words from a Dialogue with God by Sylvia Gunter