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God is My Delight

 “Be delighted with the Lord . . .” (Psalm 37:4a).

While sailing up the Inside Passage of the coast of British Columbia, I looked out the window of our friend’s boat. I was repeatedly awed by God’s creation. The acres of lush green forests, the rhythm of the tides and currents, the changing weather, the variety of birds, and the marine life on the island that we explored all made my heart praise God with the song, “How Great Thou Art!”

This summer we have had the opportunity to visit three different parts of our home province of British Columbia. Besides the ocean experience, we also spent a week in a desert-like region in the interior. Each morning during our stay there, quails with their chicks came down to the house to get the breakfast that our hosts provided for them. What a treat to watch these bird families.

One of the most satisfying aspects of our summer adventure was the solitude. Quietness. There was time to commune with God.

Philip Keller writes about special times like this in his book, God Is My Delight.

At such moments there wells up within us an overwhelming outpouring of profound praise. Often an acute awareness of His presence is so intense it is difficult to articulate or express our deep exaltation. He understands our limitations; He perceives our profound affection, our simple faith; He is pleased beyond measure; He delights to draw near; He deigns to commune with us in spirit.”

These are precious, private interludes of great intimacy and open transparency. Here a man or woman is in company with God Himself.

Be delighted with the Lord!

Oh God, thank You so much for the privilege of communing with You. You are so awesome that I cannot express my profound adoration. But I love You and want to know You more. Thank You for creating me to have fellowship with You.

by Katherine Kehler
used by permission

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