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God Provides Companionship

 “And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).

After twenty-three years in one location, we sold our farm and moved to an apartment in another city, about an hour away. The day after we moved in, Marvin left on a ministry trip and I was by myself. I felt very much alone as nothing was familiar.

I decided to go for a walk. Our apartment was close to the ocean, and I looked forward to walking along the dike. I had only just started walking when I noticed a big, black dog trotting alongside me. Real friendly. He acted like I was his owner. When we got to the beach, he brought me a stick and I threw it into the water and he ran to retrieve it. We played like this for quite a while. Then he chased the ducks, but would always come back for my approval. People walking along the dike thought he was my dog. I felt good — cared for. I had a companion.

He walked home with me, but when I was a few feet from the apartment building he left and I never saw him again.

The Lord knew I needed a companion that day and He provided one for an hour. My heart was overwhelmed with thankfulness and love for Him.

Prayer: Father, You know all the lonely hearts that are reading this devotional. Reveal Your love for them by showing them that someone cares for them. Thank You! Amen.

by Katherine Kehler
used by permission

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