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Celebrate Family! Celebrate Mothers!

“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24).

Mom’s eighty-third birthday! I almost forgot. This could very well be her last birthday, so we better celebrate — to show honour to a wonderful mother, grandmother, and a faithful servant of God.

Quickly I phoned my sister-in-law and suggested we invite all our children, their spouses, and the grandchildren for an evening of fun at the seniors’ hospital where Mom was living.

We made arrangements with the hospital to use the open area for the party, called all the kids and grandchildren, baked the cake, and packed forks, plates, and napkins. Whew! We made it. Most of the local family members were there. Her son and daughter wheeled her into the room as we sang “Happy Birthday!” She looked so frail and small in her wheelchair, but she was so pleased that we were there. I could see that it would not be long before the Lord would take her home to be with Him. That would be a great day for her.

What I remember most vividly about that evening was watching her as we began to sing her favorite hymns. Even though she wouldn’t remember the party five minutes after we left, in that moment she was singing with us. She lifted her arms in praise to her Heavenly Father as we all sang her favorite, “God is so good! God is so good! God is so good, He’s so good to us.”

That party was in the middle of June. The Lord took her home in July.

When I think back to Mom’s last birthday, I recall it being a very busy day. It would have been so easy to think, “She won’t know the difference. Why bother?” But God put the thought of a birthday party in my heart, and I am so glad I made it a priority.

Celebrate family! You never know how long they will be with you.

Father, I thank You for Godly mothers and fathers. Thank You for family. Thank You for children and grandchildren. Show us ways to demonstrate that we love and appreciate them. Cause us to remember to celebrate. Amen.

by Katherine Kehler

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