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Do What You Can!

“Even in old age (the godly) will still produce fruit and be vital and green” (Psalm 92:14, The Living Bible).

Recently, I read a thought-provoking comment by Theodore Roosevelt.

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”

This seemed to say to me, “Don’t be looking at what other folks are doing. Just look to Me. I have something for you to do today.”

Getting older and experiencing all the various stages of “body rot” sometimes causes me to wonder if I can still be fruitful. Try as we may, we will never fully stop the inevitable — getting old and frail — unless the Lord takes us home first. We can exercise, get cosmetic surgery, take vitamins galore, but that won’t delay the guarantee that our life on earth will one day come to an end. God has chosen that day, and when it comes, He will take us home.

Meanwhile, He has things for us to do.

• We can worship Him and pray for our family, believers and unbelievers, leaders, and friends.

• We can tell someone every week what Christ is doing for us, about an answered prayer or a special promise or encouragement He gave to us. If each of us told one person about Jesus each week, each of us would have shared the gospel with fifty-two people in one year. We can do this by letter, by e-mail, or in conversation.

• We can encourage someone each day — brighten someone’s day. No one has ever suffered from too much encouragement.

• We can smile. It is so much nicer to be friendly than grumpy.

• We can serve. When my husband’s Aunt Norma was eighty-six, she continued to mend clothes for people who weren’t able.

• We can give. The temptation to hoard the resources God has given us is always there, but God wants us to give liberally.

I encourage you to ask God what He would like you to do for Him today and tomorrow. He will answer you. Be on the alert for opportunities.

Father, thank You that You have something for us to do and to share — even in old age. Cause us to keep looking for opportunities to serve You and others. Amen.

by Katherine Kehler
used by permission

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