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The Praying Hands of a Grandmother

The Praying Hands of a Grandmother

There were tiny flutters of a heartbeat.
Before each child was born,
She prayed.

With joy,
As the little fingers clasped her hand,
She prayed.

She asked for strength.
She gave her thanks.
She unburdened her fears and worries.

Her children were unaware
Of her many times of prayer:
– For their safety and protection,
– For their health
– For their education.

Her most important prayer
Was that they
Would love God.

In the stressful periods,
When she couldn’t find the words,
God understood her heart
And her voiceless prayers were heard.

Her children moved away.
They led their own lives.
From a distance,
She prayed.

Times when the family
Came together for celebration
Were always special.
She rejoiced in her grandchildren,
She blessed them.

She asked about their lives.
They waved as they said goodbye.
She remembered what they had said
And she prayed.

Today, if you look at
her hands,
they are lined and worn.
But from the time
Her infants were born
She has continued to pray.

How precious are
the praying hands of a grandmother.

by Ruth Lennard
Ruth’s poem can also be found at: under faith poems.

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