“What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety ¬nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off?” Matthew 18:12
We decided to sell our property – at least put it on the market for six months.
Many people came and before each appointment we would clean the washrooms, wash the dishes, vacuum, dust, turn on the lights in the house and barns. It took 90 minutes to get ready each time. And although many people went through the house in three months, we did not have one offer to buy.
Then one Thursday, a young couple came through. We knew they liked it. The following Saturday, the husband was back with his father. My husband spent time talking with them and it was soon obvious to him that they were not followers of Christ. So after Marvin made a transition to spiritual things, he shared the Would you like to Know God Personally? booklet with them.
They were very interested in the gospel and indicated they would like to meet with him again. During the conversation, the father mentioned that his brother was a pastor. That was encouraging because we knew someone was praying for the family.
After they left, we decided that even if we didn’t sell the property, we knew that it was just like God to compel us to want to sell it so we could share the gospel with these two men. Isn’t that just like God? He came to seek and save the lost! We are simply His ambassadors.
Two days later, we had two offers to buy the property and we will be moving soon. But sharing the gospel was the highlight that Saturday.
Thank You Father for the Sunday School teacher who took the time to share the gospel with me and showed me how I could ask You into my heart. Thank You for the way You arrange circumstances so your precious plan of salvation can be shared with people who don’t know You. Thank You for using us as messengers to bring the Good News! Amen.
by Katherine Kehler
used by permission
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