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Please Go Away

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and fellowship with them” Revelation 3:20

As I walked down our driveway toward the house, I watched my granddaughter, Tia, playing by herself. She has the amazing ability to move into an imaginary world and play with all kinds of pretend people and animals. Of course she is always the feature actress in her scenarios. She is quite happy playing by herself. As I walked by her, I asked,

“Are you having fun, Tia?”

She said, “Yes” and that was all.

She didn’t want to talk. She wasn’t her usual chatty self. She was in another space.

I stood there watching her. She was quiet for a moment, then she looked at me and said very quietly,

“Grandma, will you please go away?”

I said, “Okay,” and went into the house.

You see I was invading her space. Even though she knew I loved her and wanted the best for her, she preferred to be in her pretend world. She didn’t want to fellowship with me at that moment. When I mentioned this incident to her mom, she laughed and told me Tia often said that to her as well.

As I reflected on this, I realized that we are so often like that with Jesus. He is always watching us. He loves us and wants the best for us. And yet, don’t we keep Him at arms length some of the time? During those times, we don’t want Him to enter our space or to be part of our day. We prefer to let Him enter our world only when we need Him, not as moment-by-moment best friend.

We sure are missing out on a lot of love.

Lord Jesus, I am depriving myself of a lot of love by not practicing your presence moment by moment. Please help me invite You into my life every minute of every day. I love you! Amen.

by Katherine Kehler
used by permission

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