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He Guides Us

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and He delighteth in his way” Psalm 37:23

I had planned to run errands in the morning but there were so many urgent things to do, I didn’t leave until mid afternoon. There were several entrances to this parking lot and I chose to come in the back way. I never realized that it was God directing me.

Picking up my dry-cleaning from the back of the car, I quickly walked toward the cleaners. As I looked up, I saw a young woman standing on the sidewalk in front of the store. I could see she was crying so I walked up to her and gently touched her arm and asked her, “What is wrong? Can I help you?”

Then she really began sobbing and told me her mother was in the hospital and just had a stroke. She had no money for a bus ticket to go see her. My heart went out to her and I told her I would help her. I gave her enough money for the bus ticket and some extra for food.

I asked her if she had faith in God. He would sustain her and help her. She said, “Yes, she did.” Then she surprised me by asking me if I had faith in God. I, too, said, “Yes.” We talked a little longer and then we parted. After my errands I walked back to the car. I looked for her, but she was not there.

One of God’s children was in need. God knew all about her needs that day and directed my steps so I would drive into the rear parking lot…in the afternoon…at exactly the time when she would be there…so I could help her.

Coincidence? No.

God cares for His children so much.

He is such an organizer that it is nothing for Him to arrange our lives in such a way so we are available to help people in need.

Let me encourage you to start taking notice of the unexpected ways God directs you.

Father, thank You that You love and care for your children. I am amazed at how You direct our steps yet so often we are unaware of it. You are awesome! Amen.

by Katherine Kehler
used by permission

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