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How to Choose a Local Church

How to Choose a Local Church – What to Look For

I would like to start going to church, but I don’t know which one to go to. How do I decide on a church?

When you are looking for a local church, you may want to visit a few before you settle on one. There are a few areas to consider:

  • The most important aspect to consider is that the Bible is preached or taught. Whoever is speaking should be basing their message on what God says in the Bible. You want to learn about God and His Son, Jesus Christ, so that you can apply the truths of the Bible to your daily life.
  • Another consideration is the music and worship time. Try to find a place where you are comfortable with the music, prayer and worship time so that you can concentrate on worshipping God without distractions.
  • Is the atmosphere friendly? You want to be able to fellowship with others and get involved in the life of the church – to be encouraged and encourage others. We each have skills, gifts or qualities that we can use in this area.
  • If you have children, you should consider whether there are programs and activities for them to learn about God. Also consider whether there are other children for yours to make friends with.
  • Another Option:

After you have visited a few churches, settle on one. Remember – no church is perfect! It is made up of real people. Enjoy it.

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