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I Want to Know Him

Published on April 16, 2019

I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like himPhilippians 3:10

I have been thinking about Jerry McGrath. He was a marvelous singer and performed at many of our staff conferences. He had been in the secular entertainment industry when he was struck down with leukemia and was longer able to sing. He yielded his life to the Lord, and the Lord touched and healed him. After that he used his marvelous voice to serve God.

During every performance, he told the story of his miraculous healing and then would sing,

Lord, I want to know You. Deep within my soul, I want to know You more.”

After that song, there was not a dry eye in the audience.

Jerry had experienced the power of Christ’s resurrection, but he had also experienced suffering. I wonder, sometimes, why we so often pray and sing for the Lord’s power, but abhor the suffering? We need both to make us like Jesus.

Father, You know what cowards we are. We want the soft and easy road. Enable us not to be surprised when troubles come our way. After all, Jesus did say that in this would we would have troubles. How quickly we forget, Lord!   

by Katherine Kehler
Used by Permission

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