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When Someone Disappoints Us

Published on June 28, 2021

“Jesus did not commit Himself unto them . . .for He knew what was in man.” John 2:24-25

Not one of us has attained perfection, yet we are disappointed when someone we respect disappoints us by their attitude or action. Only Jesus’ earthly life was perfect.

We know that no one is perfect, yet, when a friend, a teacher, a leader, a child or spouse disappoints us, we so often become judgmental, hurt, bitter or cynical—even mean.

The reason we react this way is because we are expecting them to be perfect—like Jesus. When we become disillusioned with people, instead of us relying on God’s grace to change them, we will always be disappointed. However, we can choose to have a Christ like attitude when we experience these disappointments.

Oswald Chambers wrote in My Utmost for His Highest, “Our Lord trusted no man; yet He was never suspicious, never bitter, never in despair about any man, because He put God first in trust. He trusted absolutely in what God’s grace could do for any man.”

We have the Holy Spirit at work within us, “ For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.Philippians 2:13.  God is pleased when we are as gracious and merciful with others as He is with us.

Have you been disappointment in others lately?  Ask Jesus to enable you to have His attitude toward them.  Forgive and love!

Lord Jesus, next time we are disappointed in someone’s action or attitude, please remind us that God is not finished with them yet—that His grace is sufficient to change them. Thank you for empowering us to keep loving them.  Amen

by Katherine Kehler
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Forgiveness is Good for Your Health | by Katherine Kehler
•  The Gift of Forgiveness | by John William Smith
•  Salvation Explained

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