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A Thought about Gratitude

Published on January 20, 2023

Jesus asked, ‘Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?’” Luke  17:17- 18

Gratitude recognizes that a gift has been given, a favor has been done by someone. There is a gift and a giver. But there is more. Gratitude also calls for a response to that gift. We thank the giver with an expression of appreciation — a handshake, a hug, a note. A gesture of gratitude completes the exchange, closes the circle, lets the love flow back to the giver.” — Don Postema, Space for God.

I needed to read that quote. It was an “ah-ha” moment for me — it made so much sense. Many gifts I have given in the past have left me with a sense of emptiness because I never heard back if the gift was appreciated or not.  The circle was not closed — I didn’t feel love flow back from the recipient of my gift.

But there have also been so many times when I have not taken the time to thank the giver of a gift for me. Those who gave me a gift would have likewise felt empty because I didn’t take the time to let them know the gift was appreciated.

How often do we take all the blessings and gifts from the Lord for granted — we almost feel entitled to them. Far too many times.

You may relate to this thought. I encourage you to say this prayer with me.

Lord, thank You, for You are the giver of so many beautiful gifts. I thank You for them all.  Enable me to remember to thank You and thank others when they give a gift of kindness. Cause me to express my gratitude. Let the circle of love close — let love flow back to the giver. Amen.

By Katherine Kehler
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   Thanksgiving for What God Has Done

•   The Generosity Habit

•  Salvation Explained


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