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Become an Online Mentor

We are looking for mature Christians to help with online mentoring.

Our website has a comment form on the bottom of all articles, devotionals and stories. We have many people yearning to know God or to grow in their faith. Many of these people would love to have an on-line mentor to help answer their questions and to pray for them. Would you consider this ministry opportunity?

What is a an Online Mentor 

What is Email Mentoring?


A Male Mentor’s Story – Norman Brown talks about his experience with mentoring.

A Female Mentor’s Story – ‘Let Me Be A River’ by Elfrieda Nikkel

A Mentor’s Multiplied Impact – What I learned from watching Bob Prall

How do I Become a Mentor 

Volunteer Guidelines for Mentoring

Application Form To Become an Email Mentor

Character Reference Form To send to your Pastor, Priest or other mature Christian.

References and Links for Mentors to Use

HELP Page for Mentors – Topics and links to help Mentors

What is a Spirit-Filled Life?

How to be Filled with the Holy Spirit

Spiritual Oxygen – Are you getting it?