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We Asked: What is Special about Your Mother?

What Have You Learned from Your Mother?

We asked our readers this question and this is what they said:

She’s the strongest woman I have ever come across in my life. She’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. I’m speechless. Mama I love YOU!

– Priscilla (Nigeria)

What I Learned from my mom?

A mother is a very special person to her child and unlike a father mother’s love is unconditional. How nice to see her nurse you even when you are a mother to others, she is sincere with her love.She chooses to have you alive and bears pain to get you on earth yet she never complains. Lets love our mothers for their love is priceless.

– Josephine Muranda (Kenya)

What I Learned from my mom?

My mother was an absolutely beautiful spirited woman, with a deep sense of God’s presence in times of trouble and pain.In times of adversity and a search for reasoning – go on your knees and pray – as He is only a prayer away.This is one thing that I will always remember my mother. A woman of God!! Thank you Mum!!

– Doreen Solomons (S. Africa)

What I Learned from my mom?

Tenacity and unwavering support, hope and encouragement even when the chips are down; LOVE that has an unending depth, that is as broad as the oceans and a kind of height unknown in this world.

–  Emmanuel Meki (Zimbabwe)

What I Learned from my mom?

To steal a bit from Elizabet Stone….’To make the decision to bring a child into this world is monumental… But to give your unconditional love, your heart, and your life to an unplanned child is a miracle.’

– Michael Glaze (USA)

What I Learned from my mom?

My mother, Elsie Ukpoka is the greatest gift to her generation .She will always advice us to be kind to all for someday we will reap the fruit. She reminds us that God is never late, taught us  patience, advices that we should  always look up to God . Taught us confident adding that  Life is a process and can only be better.

– Trich (Nigeria)

My mother is the wonderful gift from God to us. She taught us to be strong and never give up. My mother was an absolutely spiritual women with a deep sense of God’s presence. Amma we miss you so much.

– Patvasu (Malaysia)

What I Learned from my mom?

Mother’s love is ever to be nourished and cherished, because it is she who knows every secret of every heart, that is why she never bears the cry of the child whether younger or elder.

– Naseer Khan (India)

My mom taught me self reliance. There is nothing you can’t do, just lots you don’t  know how to do YET.

– Jup (Canada)

What I Learned from my mom?

I learned how to see our Creator God all around me and to thank him for the beauty that I see and to be a good steward of all God has made. I learned to nurture children, to encourage others and to be a servant for the glory of God.I learned to love my parents and bless them to be a blessing to others.There is so much to tell!

– Rita Ford (USA)

What I Learned from my mom?

My mother will go hungry, but she will make sure I have something to eat; she have nothing to wear, but she make sure that I have some clothes on; she work as a slave just to put me through school. I love you mum with all my heart. The one thing I learned from my mum is True sacrifice.

What I Learned from my mom?

What i learn from my mother was hardwork. My father died when i was very small and since then up til today my mother has been struggling to make sure that we survive. She is the best mother and the best thing that has ever happen to me, after God comes she.

– Favor (Nigeria)

What I Learned from my mom?

The one thing is that a mother will always be there for you anytime of your life and will do anything to get her child away from danger,so a duty of a child is to be there for there mother in every situation.

– Riya Louis (India)

What I Learned from my mom?

My mother has taught me the importance of trusting God. She was forced into marriage at the age of 15 and had 16 children with my abusive father. I am the last born in our family and having witnessed the abuse in our home, I grew up hating my father and men in general. After giving my life to God, everything changed. When the abuse became too much, mother and I run away from him. I was 4 then and that was the last time I saw him. He died in 1998 and mother mourned for him and told me she still loved him despite the abuse. I never thought mother would still be alive today due to everyday beating and abuse she faced from dad. I have seen the hand of God on mom’s life. She is 81years old.Thank you God for my mummy. I love my mum.

– JC (Zambia)

What I Learned from my mom?

I learned many things by observing my Mom, but the first thing that came to my mind is this tidbit.

Always PREpare when you’re expecting company. Then you’ll be able to give them your full attention while they’re with you.

Her favourite saying was “A stitch in time saves nine” – it had nothing to do with sewing – everything to do with not procrastinating.

– Anne (Canada)

What I Learned from my mom?

God will be with me to the end of time; people change but he is still the same today, tomorrow as he was yesterday. He is God that cannot and will not lie.

– Kim (USA)

What I Learned from my mom?

Hardwork it is!!! My mum’s not a workaholic cos she rests when she really needs  to. But when its time to work, she’s all out. And I love her so much for it.

– Oladayo Alao (Nigeria)

What I Learned from my mom?

I have learned so much about life because of my mother. She is the one who led me to the Lord, aside from being the vessel that God used her to let me born on this world.She taught me the value of life and the real meaning of sacrificial love by demonstrating it with her daily life.

– Michelle Bunag (Philippines)

What I Learned from my mom?

Never to rely on anybody for assistant but believe in myself and God, that i can make it.

– Rachel (Nigeria)

What I Learned from my mom?

My mother was always giving-love/care/warmth/comforts and everything to children’s desire & great values ,great sacrifices never awaiting anything in return. JUST TRUE PIOUS LOVE.

– R..C..Kothari (India)

What I Learned from my mom?

Faithful; Honest; Obedient; Loyal; Hardworking; Love; Etc
May almighty God bless my mother in abundance,Amen.

– Aol Rose (Uganda)

What I Learned from my mom?

I have learned many not one thing actually.I have learned to respect,love,care,share everything

– Manisha Rai (Haryana)

What I Learned from my mom?

I learned to know God and to say please, sorry and thank you. Most  importantly to be a home marker.

– Iwoba Ahaiwe (Nigeria)

What I Learned from my mom?

She is loving and caring,ready to provide for my needs.If she don’t afford,she always tries to make me feel better and understand.She carried me for nine months in a womb feeling proud of me.

– Kipkemoi Leonard (Kenya)

What I Learned from my mom?

My mother has taught me the importance of trusting God. She was forced into marriage at the age of 15 and had 16 children with my abusive father. I am the last born in our family and having witnessed the abuse in our home, I grew up hating my father and men in general. After giving my life to God, everything changed. When the abuse became too much, mother and I run away from him. I was 4 then and that was the last time I saw him. He died in 1998 and mother mourned for him and told me she still loved him despite the abuse. I never thought mother would still be alive today due to everyday beating and abuse she faced from dad. I have seen the hand of God on mom’s life. She is 81years old.Thank you God for my mummy. I love my mum.

– JC (Zambia)

What I Learned from my Mother: love, care, endures, patient like she everything on earth.

– Ruth Nandnutu (Uganda)

What I Learned from my mom?

How to be a responsible human being…to be self-determined….to be honest.. to be a silent speaker….

– Pooja Sharma (Chennai)

What I Learned from my mom?

To believe in God always.

– Lerato (South Africa)

What I Learned from my mom?

That she is very tolerant with or about everything I do, even if they don’t please her she always has a way to bringing me back to seeing the wrong.

– Corazon (Kenya)

What I Learned from my mom?

Love. Forgiving, hardworking, caring, encouraging, comforting, discipline

What I Learned from my mom?

You only know love in its truest form when you have a child of your  own.

– Berny Minnie (S Africa)

What I Learned from my mom?

To love endlessly & unconditionally no matter how difficult it is.This is what I learned from my loving mom.

– Myra N. Tinangag (Philippines)

What I Learned from my mom?

My mother taught me never give up.. and don’t always think that there is someone to help. You have to stand on You own .. believe in yourself,

– Arianne (Philippines)

What I Learned from my mom?

To being a good human

– Khushi (India)

What I Learned from my mom?

The one thing I learned from my mother is HONESTY. She let us be honest from small things as she said “when you are not honest in small things what more to bigger things” which I like my children as well to have in their life.

– Vikki B. Aoas (Philippines)

What I Learned from my mom?

2 most prized saying of mother are;”Success is never final and failure is never fatal, its the courage that counts” “Winners don’t do different things but they do things differently”.

– Werty (India)

What I Learned from my mom?

One can only appreciate the gift of motherhood once she becomes one.It’s truly rewarding experience because you are able to co create with God..

-Gizella Cacho (Philippines)

What I Learned from my mom?


– Ayeg (Nigeria)

What I Learned from my mom?



What I Learned from my mom?

Honesty! to be straightforward even if it cost hatred and rejection for the peace of mind she said do not be chocked with the out come it will be costly how ever it let you be free from any sort of guilt or bad Conscience! Be a woman of people!

– Sannitha (Namibia)

What I Learned from my mom?

I learned to be a responsible woman in the future and also to be God fearing.

– Lily Grace (Nigeria)

What I Learned from my mom?

My Mother always say I LOVE YOU and she always beside me.

– Mostafizur (BANGLADESH)

What I Learned from my mom?

My mother teach me to respect everyone and to be a honesty person and be kind person to everyone I love everyone….may God bless everyone…amen

– Talla (The Gambia)

What I Learned from my mom?

Caring, dedication to duty, respecting my elders

– Michael (Nigeria)
What I Learned from my mom?

The most important thing I learned from my mother is to welcome and always show love to everyone who comes into your home regardless of who they are. In short I learned how to love and care for everyone

–  Laureen (Zambia)

What I Learned from my mom?

She was a very patient women even till her death.She had a very good heart even towards those that were not her children.

– :Kokomma (Nigeria)

What I Learned from my mom?

  1. Always respect your elders whether he/she is kind to your all family members or not.  2. Always be true to yourself. 3. Every morning we should to pray to God.

– Satish Mittal (India)

What I Learned from my mom?

To love and respect other people.  To always pray and trust God for every trials in life because God is good all the time.

–  ELSIE ROCA (Philippines)

What I Learned from my mom?

I learned from my mother to be content with what I have right now.  Thank you mom!

– Melissa Allayban (Philippines)

What I Learned from my mom?


– Sue (USA)

What I Learned from my mom?



What I Learned from my mom?

My mother is so understanding and spiritual.This helps me 2 see the positives in everything. From her I learned God has a plan 4 our life and it will be the best. My mother taught me that money is not the success of life but honesty, forgiveness, fear of God, a heart filled with love and sacrifice matters a lot in life.  She taught me the importance of moral principles in life.

-Lovely (India)

What I Learned from my mom?

Is that no matter the situation she will always be there for me because nothing is so important to her as the gift God gave her which is me.


What I Learned from my Mom?

The first thing I learned from my mother is good attitude, respect to others, speaking truth and to be lovable to others. I love my mother very much & she also loves me.I learnt 1st thing from my mother to achieve a good status in life and my dreams….

– NADIR ASLAM  (Pakistan)

What I Learned from my mom?

I have learned to be success in life, loving, caring and most of all to achieve my dreams

– Rosa (Fiji)

What I Learned from my mom?

One thing i have learnt from my mother is to be kind and make no enemy. my mum is on the quiet side and have few words to say. she listen to advice.

– ify (Nigeria)

What I Learned from my mom?

They are so special and also inspirational and they always e by our side and they are also well respected and they need to be praised.

– Rafik (Ghana)

What I Learned from my mom?

I have learned a devotion and respect.

 Rita Kali (Vanuatu)

What I Learned from my mom?

God will be with me to the end of time people change but he is still the same today, tomorrow as he was yesterday. He is God that cannot and will not lie.

– Kim (USA)

What I Learned from my mom?-

To be kind

 – Jordan (USA)

What I Learned from my mom?

How to pray

– Nassare  (Monrovia, Liberia)

What I Learned from my mom?

Everything and anything you want, ask God for he is the provider, your shield, your best everlasting friend, mentor. She taught me prayer conquers all. Free consultation with God you don’t need to make an appointment, he is there always and every where. I love you mommy

-Mokgadi  ( S. Africa )

What I Learned from my mom?

Faith, Hope, Love, Respect and The word “Can’t” is never an option.

– Lea  (USA)

What I Learned from my mom?

Kindness and love for everybody. She was too generous and sometimes would give away what she needed, saying someone else would need it more.

– Victoria (Nigeria)

What I Learned from my mom?

Her love for God, and Jesus, her parents, to us her children, and to her husband, community as sisterly ervanthood. Her love for all the creations of God, responsibilities and duties are her most accomplish by honest labors and patiently waiting for God’s grace GRACE. She is caring and enjoy sharing it.

– Jocelyn ( The Netherlands)

What I Learned from my mom?

One thing I have learned from my mother was to be patient and always work hard for your children. We were four children without a father but she educated us with her little ncome plus providing all our needs. Thanks be to lord for his greatness.

– Juliet Najjemba (Ghana)

What I Learned from my mom?

I have learned to love to respect and do all that is good to others.whenever I fail to do a good thing I feel i failed God and mum

– Mompati Tebogo (Botswana)

What I Learned from my mom?

Letting your child grow means letting go and trusting God. I understand that now that I have raised two daughters of my own.

– Lisa (USA)

What I Learned from my mom?

Learned respect and how to love

– Anand K.S. (India)

What I Learned from my mom?

That you should treat others as you would like to be treated.

– Karin (Australia)

What I Learned from my mom?

Fight for your rights, know your self, know what you believe, know where you can stand, walk in God’s Way knowing with Him you have assurance to live in truth.  A mom is always with you even when we are apart her advice always in your heart, with your heart filled with the Holy Spirit to guide you in all knowledge till the end because He knows you are His faithful child like your mom..

– Maricor Yang (Philippines)

What I Learned from my Mom?

Even though I have not always been the kind of child she always wanted me to be, I know she has never stopped loving me.. She is very hard working and selflessly looked after us.  Just one thing I pray for every day – that she’ll acknowledge Christ as friend and Savior.

– Susan (Uganda)

What I learned from my mom?

  – My Mother always teach us the lesson of truth. You can say, my mother is the cause of our truthfulness. How much I Love My Mother, I cant say.

– Pawan ( India)

What I learned from my mom?

My mother is the most unselfish person I’ve ever met. she grew up as an orphan, with not enough school education and was deprived of many things. When she gave birth to us, eight children,she did her best to  love and raise us all to the best she could. When I was young, I thought she was a weak woman, because I often saw her cry. I was wrong. Now I’m a parent, I realize  she was also the most courageous person I’ve met in my life. After hr crying, she would pick herself up and was ready to face the battles of life again. She has a strong faith in God -I can vouch for that. I grew up seeing her praying the moment she opened her eyes. I believe it’s where she gets her strength. I am thankful to God for my mother. Mama, I love you.

– Oyie Meyts (Philippines)

What I learned from my mom?

I have learned from my mother that I can forgive all.

– Malihe (Iran)

What I Learned from my mom?


–  NITIN (India)

What I learned from my mom?

Be patience, always agree with your mistakes, Don’t lie, be happy with what you have, put yourself in the others place, plan, appreciate others good things. Don’t run away from problems, face them

– Babitha (India)

What I learned from my mom?

I learned from my mother sacrifices. Give to others, a hard worker & never gives up. Handles all critical situation on basis.

– Harjeet Kaur (India)

What I learned from my mom?

She was MOTHER to everybody, children, other mothers and fathers. She would never think twice that is not my territory to give advices to those who are in need. She had letter written on her back & face that everybody could read and learn from her. I love and miss her very much. I thanked God that He took her away from me at my adult ages where I knew how to look after my siblings and my child. Thank you very much!

– Moipone Mosoang (S. Africa)

What I learned from my mom?

“Mothers are a creation of God as his representative, as God cannot go to every doorstep to protect his child,”

– Prasanna Adhikari (Nepal)

What I learned from my mom?

I learned from my mother that though the situations are very odd, we should hold on to our Father, God very strongly.

– Felsi (India)

What I learned from my mom?

One thing I learned from my beloved mother, Mrs Julianah Oyeniyi is a blessed memory of prayer. Her prayer life was a challenge to us even as she is no more.

– Funmi (Nigeria)

What I learned from my mom?

Never give up in life it just sharpen your conscience.

– Ogolla Josphat (Kenya)

What I Learned from my mom?

I have learned a lot of things from my mother. One of them is to develop an attitude of gratitude all the time in our lives. My mother was always thankful for every small thing in life and another important aspect of my mother is to always looked at the positive in life. She was a great cook and she knew how make the best use of everything that was available in the kitchen, thanks for the opportunity given to me, thanks.

– G Angela (India)

What I learned from my mom?

I have learned from my mom to be a God fearing and know how to be humble to others, and know to listen to the ideas of others and to honor parents, and most especially to follow the will of the Lord.

– Maylona (Philippines)

What I learned from my mom?

To be kind to everyone caste creed or color, we are all GOD?S chosen people.

– Colleen T (India)

What I learned from my mom?

To be strong, no matter what comes your way have faith nd be strong.

– Taisha

What I learned from my mom?



What I learned from my mom?

I learned that giving my heart to Christ at an early age is the key to true happiness and success and that prayer is the answer to life problem I also learn from my mother that Jesus is the only answer to the problem she said it is a sin problem. and you know what I believe her its true

– Yvonne W (Antigua\Barbuda)

One thing I learned from my mother is to love God and to honor my parent….she teaches me how to be strong when trial comes she told me to be prayerful…just what I’m doing now as a mother to my children.I love my mother so much and her memories will live forever!

– Mayrose (Philippines)

My mom is no doubt the greatest gift given to me by the Good Lord Almighty. I may not be a perfect son, but that doesn’t stop her from loving me! Many a times I have broken her heart but she still loves me the way I am. Whatever I am, today! is because she taught me to live a good Christian life, a life I should live!

– Nivibo S (India)

What is special bout my mother is even though I sulk at her, she still talks to me nicely & treat me nicely. Even though she tired, she still want to prepare breakfast for me and my sister.

– Marilyn (Malaysia)

My mother is the one to be admired the most. She is the source of strength and guidance to me and i wish and pray that the best of health and happiness be hers

– Aqsa (Pakistan)

What is Special About Your Mother?

My mum is my hero,she taught me to be hard working, tolerant and patient whenever I experience any storm in my life. Above all, to trust God for every thing in life.

– Miriam ( Uganda)

She is always there for me no matter what, even though we disagree a lot and fight, ultimately I know I can ALWAYS count on her to be there for me. I love you, Mom. I also have much more appreciation because I am a new mom.

– Anne (USA)

My mother is a hero and a wonderfully fearing God mum. She takes us (her kids) through trials & sorrows despite neglect from our own family’s. I praise God for the example she has shown us & taking us through, to put all our needs before God and leave all to him. To do things on our own (not depending on anyone). Thank you mum and God Bless you.

– Salee (Vanuatu)

My mother taught me to pray and love and worship God. She always pray for her children. Her prayers have followed me all through my life . I give God thanks for her. Today when the problem which seem to much to bear, my mothers prayers comes to mind. she is a very special lady. mothers always pray for and with your children. Thank you mommy for your prayers. may God bless you.

– Milly (Antilles, Netherlands)

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