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The Angel Gabriel

In amazement, Mary and Elizabeth spoke of Angels and answers, prayers and praises. The glorious Gabriel had not only visited Zacharias, but Mary! She had spoken with him in person, like she knew him, She saw him and knew he was God’s messenger of good news. Even Joseph, her betrothed, had told of his encounter with the Angel. It was all too wonderful to comprehend completely but they had learned to TRUST God.

The Angel Gabriel

Gabriel, of those who long to look at human things,
received the nod of God to spread your wings,
transcending a scarlet sky
spread with clouds, stars, rainbows
arching o’er the storm – spiraled earth below.

Wise men considered your streaking strobe –
flashing fire circling a tottering globe.

You had traced this luminous path but six moons ago.
Neighbors speculated on Elizabeth’s maternal glow,
some strange miracle like Sarah of old, could it be so?

Does God above really care for earth,
promising man salvation and eternal worth?

Veering slightly north to Nazareth as dawn broke,
suddenly stood before the maid, Mary, and spoke.

Fear not, for in this Day-star hour
you will know Holy Spirit power.
God’s only Divine Son will be born Immanuel.
We will return with glorious news to tell.

Nine times the monthly shofar was blown,
Messiah prepared to leave His heavenly throne,
for the Cradle and the Cross that was His alone.

The Angelic Host unrolled the midnight sky
like Isaiah’s scroll.
The bells of the universe began to toll
Holy, Holy, Holy.

Reference: Luke 1

by Joyce Carr Stedelbauer
“Have You Seen The Star?”

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