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When God says Go

Published on January 4, 2009

By Marilyn Ehle

The Lord said to Abram, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go the land I will show you – I will bless you – and you will be a blessing…”  Genesis 12:1

It made no “common sense” for Susan to submit a resignation. She had recently received a promotion. She is multi-talented, recognized in her field as an expert. Her creative genius is seen in many multi-million dollar homes in the area. On a personal level, she has been mentor, friend and encourager to those just starting out in the design field.

So why is she resigning? Some might say she is running from what had become an increasingly difficult work environment. Others would wonder if she’s lost the competitive edge so necessary in much of the business world. Or could it be that she—as a Christ-follower—has simply heard Him say, “It’s time to move on. I have something else for you now.�?

To leave a position, place or situation when God says, “Go”, is often misunderstood. Sometimes even the one leaving wonders if this “makes sense”. Long ago one man heard such a word from God, and his willingness to follow was miraculously turned into blessing that follows us even today. It made no “common sense” to leave the comfort of home and family, to give up that which provided security, but Abram went and became a blessing.

And so goes Susan. The blessing is not yet seen, but God never calls without purpose and plan.

“Thank you, Father, that we can trust your call in our lives. Help us be sensitive to your voice and faithful to follow”.

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