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Easter Articles

Easter Articles

Featured Content:

The Easter Story – the story of Christ’s death and resurrection

Jesus’ Resurrection: Fact or Fiction?

Who’s Got the Body?   A short, documented examination of evidences for Jesus’ resurrection.  By Rusty Wright

Why Do Christians Celebrate Easter by Dr. James L. Wilson

At the Foot of the Cross – Powerful Poem

More Articles

A Trampled Rose

Touched by the Risen Lord

Celebration Ideas for you Family

Easter Quotes  and  Easter Prayers

Remembering the Sad Path to Easter and not just the Glorious part

Thirsty on the Cross – What we can learn from Jesus last appeal on the cross.

What is Lent?

Lent: Untie It and Bring It Here

The Cross by Max Lucado

In Prison sentenced to Death – by Mike Woodard

Simon from Cyrene Carries Jesus’ Cross by Max Lucado

On Trial before Pilate by Max Lucado

Father, Forgive Them” by Max Lucado

I Want to Know Him! Christ and his Resurrection Power

The Tomb


An Easter Bunny – and an Easter Story –  A child’s humour

The Power of Resurrection – by William S. Stoddard

The God of Justice by Skip Moen
You stand before the judge, ashamed and humiliated. What can you do? There is no way out of this unless someone pleads your case.


Lost Relationships & Learning about the fellowship of Jesus’ suffering

What is Suffering?

Jesus has Forgiven you, but Have you forgiven Yourself ?

Powerful Easter Poems:

When I say… “I am a Christian

The Light of the World