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Permission to be Honest

Published on June 14, 2010

By Vonette Bright

He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from his heart.” Psalm 15:2

I read some time ago about a soldier who was being “drilled” by her sergeant.
Question after question!
She wanted to answer… and respond directly, but felt she’d be even in bigger trouble.
So finally, the private asked, “Permission to be honest, Sir?”
Imagine… permission to be honest!

The fact is… if you are a Christian, you are commanded to be honest.
And that’s true in all your relationships:  family, friends, work… even with God Himself.
So let me ask you.
Do you believe you can be completely honest and open in your communication with God?
You need never fear coming before your heavenly Father and being totally truthful with Him.
He already knows your heart!

Being honest with God is good practice for being honest with others when you tell them about Jesus.

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