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Lives Impacted by Jesus

Featured  Stories:

When You Can’t Find an Answer

The Gift of Forgiveness – by John William Smith

Depression Story – There is Hope – Merri Ellen Giesbrecht tells her depression story and her story of hope

Up from Depression Story – Barbara Epp shares her journey with depression and the misconception that Christians shouldn’t get depressed.

Men Tell Their Story

A Love Story – written by a man.  by Norm Miller

Getting Life Back on Track by Marvin Kehler

How God Renewed my Marriage.

Dealing with Despair and dark moments of the soul

Afraid of Being called a ‘Religious Fanatic” – Norm Brown’s story

Where Your Choices Can Lead You – Frank Krause talks about what he learned from experience

A Moving Mountain – Have you ever heard of a mountain moving a person?

From a Maoist Terrorist to a Pastor – Phim’s Life Changing Story

China Story: Tiananmen Leader’s Divine Cause Standing up to the ‘one-child only’ policy in China. by Rusty Wright Ending

China, Himalayan Plateau – Story of a Buddhist Monk

The Danger of Tarot Cards – a true story

Daniel Lee – “I was one of the ones where the Sower’s seed landed on rocky ground”

Former Mob Boss for the Colombo Crime Family in New York

Airforce Pilot at a Crossroad

Religion Causes Conflict and Strife– No Thanks!    by Gord Fleming

A Struggle of Faith“The first signs of mental health issues appeared in our son’s life during his early 20’s.”

Did I Hear You Correctly Lord? – My dreams were too small for God

A Single Woman’s perspective  – Why I Enjoy Being Single

Where Do I Call Home? – A Refugee’s story.  Helen Loewen’s story

Searching for a Higher Purpose – Betty Lau shares her story

A Mother’s Promise to God

Danger of Tarot Cards

What does Success look like for You?

A Love Story – written by a man.  by Norm Miller

Women Tell Their Story

Katherine Kehler – My Dreams were too Small

Elma’s Story – Nothing Left To Give in my Marriage

Anorexia and Hope by Karen Schenk

My Search for Inner Peace by Eva Reinhart

Allyson Felix – 200m Athletics Track Olympian   In her 5th Olympic competition in Toyko.

Amanda Lee – a young’s woman’s story.

Courage and Faith Through Health Issues

Bloom Where you are Planted – the Diane Willis story

My Autistic Son Changed my Life – Surprised by the Blessings. Stephanie Chung’s Story.

Being Strong and Courageous – Jesse Goerzen’s Story  – At 17, when life was going great, Jesse was diagnosed with a brain tumor. This is his story.

My Son’s Addictions and a Mother’s Prayers by Pat Veal


Choosing to be Bitter or Better – Following her husband’s diagnosis with Lou Gehrig’s Disease, June Krause and her husband had a choice as to how they were going to face it.

Abuse Survivor’s Story – A anonymous woman’s story. Sexually molested by her father as a child.

From Victim to Victory – Physically and emotionally abused as a child, Sharon stopped crying at 6 and stopped talking at 9.

Joy out of Sorrow – Norma Becker’s story

Heaven on My Mind

Views on Success

Why do You want to be Successful?  Business leader Peter Chung, a Christian business man, shares about his experience.

What does Success look like for You?  Entrepreneur John Roise

Redefining Success – Successful business owner Dr. Ed Becker describes how is definition of success changed.

Setting up a  Proper Foundation in Your Life for a Successful Business and Personal Life – Dr. Ed Becker

Business man Skip Ast had his life completely turned around for the good, Success followed.

Unexpected Opportunity Herb Buller talks about how having cancer in his eyes turned into positive opportunities.

Being Honest and Ethical in Business – Herb Buller talks about  ‘Seizing Opportunities and Becoming a Work of Art’

From Success to Significance – Christian businessman Rick Brekelbaum, a former EXXON executive, shares his story of success.

Success in the Ownership of Professional Sports Teams – Wayne Huizenga story

A Passion for Helping Others – Business leader, Ken Kolek, talks about putting others first and how this affects his business dealings.

The Story of Don Voth -President of Metro-Can Construction Ltd. One of Canada’s top British Columbian Construction Services

Stories from Muslim Countries

A Christian Muslim in the Middle East – I am a Christian Muslim woman living in the Middle East.  Loving Jesus is a dangerous love.

Indonesian Women who Ministers to Muslims – Mary tells her story of sharing about Jesus love in an area of Indonesia where Christians are persecuted.

Ribkah – an 8 year old Indonesian girl tells her story.

The Story of Andi, an Indonesian Christian Student discriminated by Muslim Teachers

The Story of Erny – Tsunami Survivor, 2004 Indonesia

We Have Survived to Tell the World – Survivor of the 2004 Indonesian Tsunami

A 15 year old survivor tells his story – Survivor of the 2004 Indonesian Tsunami

From a Maoist Terrorist to a Pastor – Phim’s Life Changing Story

Cameroon, Africa Story – From Despair to Hope

China Story: Tiananmen Leader’s Divine Cause Standing up to the ‘one-child only’ policy in China. by Rusty Wright Ending

China, Himilayan Plateau – Story of a Buddhist Monk