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He Who Began a Good Work

Published on August 22, 2010

He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6

Thoughts on today’s verse

God made the world in 6 days. Now he sustains it with his powerful word. But in each of us, he is still at work and will continue to work to his glory (see Philippians 2:12-13) until Christ comes to take us home!


Thank you Father, for being at work in my life. I confess that at times you seem distant, but looking back over the crucial moments where things were held in the balance, I can see your fingerprints and your grace leading me to where I am today. Please make your presence more powerfully known in my life as I seek your will and live to your glory. Through Jesus I pray. Amen.

By Phil Ware
– used with permission