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Just an Apple

Published on August 7, 2010

by Marilyn Ehle

The right word at the right time is like a custom-made piece of jewelry,Proverbs 25:11 (The Message)

Only hours earlier we heard the stark news that we had been dreading. Doctors said there was no more treatment available for our son’s cancer and he would live—at the most—only days. While our heads had anticipated this information, it was now harsh reality that broke our hearts. Seventeen-year-old Rick sat in the sunroom reading a book as I blindly set about making lunch.

The doorbell rang and on the porch stood a good friend. Someone had called him with the news. He walked in and placed in my hands one perfect apple, its deep crimson skin almost glowing. After a quick hug, he walked into the sunroom to be with Rick and I sat on the stairs just looking at this right and perfect gift. Although unaware of any precise comforting thoughts, somehow the sharp edge of grief had been dulled by the jewel-like gift.

In this case, the “right word” was unspoken. It was just an apple, but obviously chosen with care and offered with love. It was a custom-made piece of jewelry.

Father, help me choose words—and gifts—to fit the needs of those you place in my path.

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