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Preparing for Winter

Published on November 29, 2010

by Marilyn Ehle

I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.Isaiah 45:3

Throughout this past summer a small gray squirrel relentlessly burrowed into the flowers and herbs on my small patio. With upright bushy tail and cocked head, he seemed to almost gleefully resist my shouts and hand clapping, scurrying away to the security of nearby trees, only sneaking back when he sensed I was absent.

With the onset of winter, however, this neighborhood resident isn’t visiting as often. Has he buried his findings under fallen leaves in someone else’s larger garden where he can peacefully uncover his store when the cold of winter arrives?

Squirrels and other animals know they must prepare for the harsh realities that lie ahead. They work hard to store up what they will need when they can no longer find nutrients in my small garden.

The Apostle Peter told early Christians not to be surprised when difficulties—even severe persecution—arrived in their lives. He told them to be alert and always forward looking, trusting that the one who provided their salvation would see them through the difficulties.

Like those first century Christians, we have the responsibility and privilege to prepare ourselves by always digging into the truths of the Bible, discovering the food that will sustain us not only in the present but in the wintry days of increasing darkness. Peter understood the prophet Isaiah’s words, that God could be depended upon to release the treasures, the riches of God when we need them most.

Oh, that we would be as persistent in the discovery endeavor as the squirrel!

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