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Go Tell it on the Mountain

Published on December 24, 2010

by Marilyn Ehle

Sing to the Lord a new song”…. “Let the people shout from the mountaintops” … “Let them give glory to the Lord.Isaiah 42

His strong baritone voice rang through the beautiful concert hall: “Go, tell it on the mountain” The blue-robed choir joyously echoed, “Jesus Christ is born.”

In the cushioned seats of that gallery sat hundreds of people from every walk of life. Some came because of the professionally-performed music. Others wouldn’t miss this event because of its Christian emphasis. Some make it the Christmas highlight of each December.

But how many of them, “how many of us” are willing to “tell it on the mountain” on Monday morning? We do not all possess the musical talent to sing of Christ’s birth, but we all have tongues to speak. The secular workplace may not be the mountain on which to shout, but it is always the place to reach out with actions that speak louder than words, to sincerely care for our colleagues, to live with integrity, and “when appropriate” to speak gently of the Christmas Babe who grew to be the Savior.

Help me, Father, to always “live out” your love – then wisely speak of it to those who are ready to hear.

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