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Hand Them the Keys

Published on April 4, 2011

by Vonette Bright

He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. The LORD sets prisoners free,Psalm 146:7

While most people are trying to stay out of jail, Dorothy visits one every week regularly ministering to prisoners in her community.

One day, Dorothy met an inmate who said, “I know you want to talk about Jesus.  Well, it’s not going to do any good, because I’m a witch!”

The inmate said that she had done a lot of bad things.   She joined a witches’ coven because she thought Jesus would not accept her.

Dorothy began to share God’s love and unconditional forgiveness.  After a week of meeting with Dorothy, the inmate said “yes” to Jesus Christ!

Dear friend, there are many people who are imprisoned by their past mistakes.  Share Christ with someone this week.  When you do, you will hand them the keys to everlasting freedom!

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