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Overflowing With Life!

Published on August 6, 2022

Rivers of living water John 7:38

The water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water”  John 4:14

For seventeen years of our married life (the years of raising our children and farming) a deep ravine ran on two sides of our property.

Our first house was small, but the ravine was huge. Our children had no end of fun exploring. Our fresh water supply came from an ever-flowing spring that ran out of the ravine. Not only did the ravine supply our family with fresh water, but also the 70,000 chickens we raised. We never ran out of water.

Later we built a new house across the street – again surrounded with deep ravines and underground springs. The Salmon River began in this ravine. It started with a small stream flowing out of the ravine, but grew into a river as other underground streams flowed into this one and eventually, many miles later, joined the huge Fraser River which flowed into the Pacific Ocean. These springs never ran dry.

Jesus, through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, promises He will be the river of living water in our lives. He will be the fountain of life bubbling from within.

A river or stream is persistent. It will go around obstacles; it will make a new pathway if need be. It does not stop when it meets an obstacle; it merely finds a way around it. Jesus is persistent.

Sometimes in late autumn, when all the leaves had fallen from the trees, the stream and the source of the stream would become clogged. Although it was still flowing, it would find a new path. When we would clear away the leaves, the water would flow freely again – where we directed it.

Most times, we would just take the ever-flowing stream for granted. It kept flowing, supplying us with fresh, clean water. We can take God’s life-giving Spirit for granted. He is always there. His Life will not dry up.

Let’s make sure we keep our hearts clean (no build up), so He is free to flow out of us. When adverse circumstances come into your life, be assured that He is still there – just keep your eyes on the Source, not on the circumstances.

Like the growing Salmon River, the river of living water flowing from you keeps enlarging as your life touches other lives. Be encouraged!

Father, thank You for Your Spirit whose life flows in and out of us, touching everyone we meet every day. Thank You for using our bodies to reflect Your glory! Amen.

By Katherine Kehler
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Forgiveness – Yourself and  Others

•  Struggles, Despair

•  Salvation Explained

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