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Studying Jesus

Published on June 1, 2011

By Vonette Bright

‘He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.Mark 16:15

Thirty-one women completed months of study with prayer and festivities.
As they gathered to watch the Jesus Film, their leader asked them to take notes.
Then, more than 300 of their neighbors joined them to watch the film.
After the screening, the women began to describe the parts they remembered.
The leader saw an opportunity to challenge them and asked,
How did Jesus perform the miracles?”

When genuine excitement, they responded: “Because He is God!
After several other questions, the women were invited to pray to invite Christ into their hearts.
Many indicated they would!    Now they meet regularly to study God’s Word.

Friend, God’s Word tells us to go throughout the world and spread the good news about Jesus.

Don’t forget that the “world” begins the moment you walk out your front door!

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