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Crockpots and Microwaves

Published on June 2, 2011

by Marilyn Ehle

“(The Lord) satisfies your desires with good thingsPsalm 103:4

Cooking in the Western world has changed dramatically.
My mother would rise early Sunday mornings to begin preparations for the dinner that would await us after church. Browning the meat to cook slowly in the oven, peeling potatoes that would quickly come to a boil upon our return.

I yet take pleasure from experimenting with new recipes—how will taste buds be titillated with the addition of curry? Will a pinch of saffron give rice an entirely new face?

In addition to this somewhat adventurous aspect of cooking, I enjoy for the cooking equipment I own. Although it took a long time for my conversion to microwave benefits, I now regularly use this scientific advancement. When the day has been long and the schedule crowded, I am thankful that I can quickly heat up a bit of sauce to pour over pasta. The vitamins remain and hungry people are satisfied.

On the opposite end of the spectrum is the crockpot. This is an appliance that slowly—very slowly and safely—cooks foods. Before heading out to the day’s responsibilities, I can place meat and vegetables or soup ingredients into the crockpot, set the timer for six hours, and return to a complete and healthy meal.

Microwaves are great utensils for satisfying an immediate need. They are generally small and easy to clean. Crockpots, on the other hand, are somewhat hefty and even awkward. Cooking in them necessitates planning. But coming home at the end of a long day, weary from battles with commerce or classrooms, inhaling the aroma of deliciously prepared food can lift the spirits.

In today’s microwave world, we often expect Christian growth to happen similarly, but spiritual formation just doesn’t happen on a three-minutes-a-day schedule. Tuning out the world, sitting quietly to hear God, absorbing words and thoughts from scripture may not take the crockpot six hours, but it will take as much extended time as we can possibly give. Re-heated leftovers are sufficient occasionally, but only the food—both physical and spiritual—that has been carefully planned, seasoned with attention and cooked through and through satisfies completely.

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