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Encouragement Goes a Long Way

Published on March 24, 2017

daily devotional

Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.Isaiah 1:17

She was nineteen years old with a tattoo or piercing on just about every inch of her exposed skin. Her hair was dyed strange colors.  She was pale and exhausted. Her baby was screaming and her toddler pulled candy off the store shelf and unwrapped it.

Everyone around her was frowning.

Except Tammy who was watching. She knew her next move was motivated by God. She spoke nervously to the young woman and asked about her baby.  Tammy empathized.  She talked about parenting and encouraged the young mom. After they both exited the grocery store, the mother thanked Tammy and said, “That’s the most encouragement I think I’ve ever had in my whole life.

Friend, before you share Christ with someone,they need to know you care. Find someone to encourage today.

Confessions of a Good Christian Girl: The Secrets Women Keep and the Grace That Saves Them by Tammy Maltby with Anne Buchanan

by Vonette Bright

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