“Growing in grace they shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be full of sap (spiritual vitality) and rich in the verdure (abundance) of trust, love, and contentment. They are living memorials to show that the Lord is upright and faithful to His promises…” Psalm 92:14-15 (Adapted from the Amplified Bible)
She is now in her 90’s, resides in an assisted living facility, has a failing memory, and—some would say—is confined to a wheelchair. But when I saw her recently in the narthex of our church waiting for her son to take her home, I saw a woman with pink cheeks, surrounded by people who couldn’t wait to say hello. There was the mom of toddlers who heard Marti—when she was merely in her 80’s!—speak to young mothers about maintaining sexual happiness in marriage. An older woman wanted to bring Marti up to date on the Bible study she formerly attended. Someone else reported on her children’s missionary activities in a secure country; Marti has prayed for this couple since they were teenagers.
Many years ago I asked Marti how she “happened” to be so involved in ministry, especially since her beloved husband died in her arms while on a mission trip. The essence of her answer?
“Oh, Marilyn, I just kept saying ‘yes’ to Jesus. There were times when I wasn’t sure about the path my husband or our organization was suggesting, but when I knelt by my bed, confessed my inadequacy (or angry resistance!), asked for wisdom, and reaffirmed my willingness to go anywhere, be anything, God always led in the right direction.”
Simple, isn’t it? While Marti has lived with disappointments and sorrow, experiences rapidly failing health and is dependent on others, she sits in her wheelchair to pray, listen to others read the Bible to her and rejoices that a daughter and two sons carry on an inner city ministry to at-risk teens. Grandchildren minister in unexpected and unique ways around the world. There is no “I-wish-I-could” attitude in Marti. She just keeps saying “yes” to Jesus.
by Marilyn Ehle
used be permission
Never too Old – by Katherine Kehler
A Call to Prayer – to seniors and those who are housebound but have internet.
Never Too Old – by M. Jantzen