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Which Word is True?

Published on June 4, 2008

I’ve spent most of the day, and will spend most of tomorrow, in a training session for a Leadership Development curriculum we plan to implement at New Life this fall.  The curriculum is insightful, biblical, and practical.  I believe it will take New Life from good to great.

One of my favorite moments was when Becky Skutt, one of the instructors, wrapped Pastor Rob in Saran Wrap. As she walked around him, encasing him in layer upon layer of plastic film, she described how words from our past bind us.  Then she asked him to move.  He couldn’t.

That was a vivid object lesson: some words immobilize

Then she took scissors and, in a single motion, cut him free.

That, too, was a vivid object lesson: God’s word liberates (see Hebrews 4:12).

Which words do you believe?  The entire key to a believer’s growth is choosing to believe God.  It is a resolve of heart and mind to trust his word over every other word, and to measure all words by his.

Have any words bound you that you need his word to cut through?

by Mark Buchanan
used by permission

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Mark Buchanan is a pastor and freelance writer who lives on the West Coast of Canada. Educated at the University of British Columbia and Regent College. Has written, The Rest of God; Your God is too Safe, and Things Unseen.