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Fix Your Eyes on the Future

Published on March 29, 2017

2 Corinthians 4:18 Devotional. Fix your eyes.

“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:18

In our Christian journey it is good and proper, at most times and in most circumstances, to be looking forward. Forward lies the crown, and onward is the goal. Whether it be for hope, for joy, for consolation, or for the inspiring of our love, the future must, after all, be the grand object of the eye of faith.

Looking into the future we see sin cast out, the body of sin and death destroyed. The soul will be made perfect, and fit to partake in the inheritance promised to God’s saints.

Looking further yet, the believer’s enlightened eye can see death’s river passed, the gloomy stream bridged, and the hills of light attained on which stands the celestial city. We perceive ourselves entering within the pearly gates, hailed as more than conquerors, crowned by the hand of Christ, embraced in the arms of Jesus, glorified with Him, and made to sit together with him, even as he has overcome and has sat down with the Father on his throne.

The thought of this future can relieve the darkness of the past and the gloom of the present. The joys of heaven will surely compensate for the sorrows of Earth. Hush, hush, my doubts! Death is but a narrow stream, and you will soon have crossed it. Time, how short! Eternity, how long! Death, how brief! Immortality, how endless! The road is so, so short! I shall soon be there.

When the world my heart is rending
With its heaviest storm of care,
My glad thoughts to heaven ascending,
Find a refuge from despair.
Faith’s bright vision shall sustain me
Till life’s pilgrimage is past;
Fears may vex and troubles pain me,
I shall reach my home at last.”

Question: How does looking forward to the future help us in the present?

Originally written by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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Updated to modern English by Darren Hewer, 2011.
Used by Permission

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