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Are You Ready for Something New?

Published on January 3, 2019

Before every major new thing He did, God gave this word to His people: “Consecrate yourself, purify yourself, repent.”  Study for yourself and see how many times God said, “Consecrate yourself, and tomorrow I will (or you will)...”  Over and over, God showed new revelation of Himself and new unfolding of His glory to those who prepared the way by purification:

– Before leaving Egypt: Exodus 12:15, Luke 12:1, 1 Corinthians 5:6-8

– Before God met Moses in holy glory on the mountain: Exodus 19:10

– Before crossing the Jordan: Joshua 3:5

– Before God revealed sin in the camp: Joshua 7:13

– Before God’s new king was anointed to bear the lineage of Jesus: 1 Samuel 16:5

– Before bringing the ark of the presence of the Lord to the place God prepared for it: 1 Chronicles 15:12

– Before Hezekiah’s revival: 2 Chronicles 29:5

– Before God pours out His Spirit: Joel 1:14, 2:15

– Before the entrance of Jesus onto the scene, John preached
Repent to prepare the way of the Lord“: Matthew 3:2

– Before Jesus went to the cross, He sanctified Himself: John 17:19

The priests consecrated themselves before the dedication of the temple, and God showed up in such glory that the priests could not minister (2 Chronicles 5:11-14).  Oh dear ones, read Solomon’s prayer in one of the most majestic passages in the Bible in
2 Chronicles 6 and 7.  Let its praise, and prayers, and promise, and pleas for mercy, and repentance, and answers, and forgiveness thrill you, as you long for fire to fall and the glory of God to come, as in 2 Chronicles 7:1.

Will you pray this prayer for radical consecration?

Jesus, make me holy. Work in me Your redemption from all iniquity (wickedness) and purify (sanctify and cleanse) me for Yourself for Your own possession, zealous for good deeds, doing what is good and right (Titus 2:14). Cleanse me and free me of lawlessness, so that I will be eager to please you.

by Sylvia Gunter
Used by Permission

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