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My Daddy is a Man

Published on June 15, 2008

By Katherine J. Kehler

“Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise – the fruit of lips that confess his name� (Hebrews 13:15)

Our daughter Val and her family were getting ready to go home. They had spent Halloween evening with us and we had a lot of fun. My husband set up a game of croquet downstairs using the legs of the chairs in place of the wire hoops; we watched fireworks and had freshly baked brownies with hot chocolate.

They were ready to go when Bronson, my grandson, announced, “My daddy is a man.�

The statement seemed to come right out of the blue, but he communicated much more than the words he spoke. His words and the way he said them said, “I love daddy. I think my daddy is wonderful! I’m so proud of my dad. I am secure and happy because I have a good dad. My daddy is strong and my daddy loves me.�

Yes, he said all these things and more when he looked at us and said, “My daddy is a man.�

What are you communicating to the world about your heavenly Father? Is it praise? Do you complain about how He is treating you? Do the words you use to talk about God tell everyone that you think He is wonderful? Think about it.

Father, give us the grace to communicate to others how very much You love us and how wonderful we think You are. Thank You so much for caring about us. Amen.

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Katherine J. Kehler, an innovator, entrepreneur and writer has launched and developed many successful ministries and websites.
Together with her husband, Marvin, Katherine directs Thoughts about God